The Image Development Group at RIVM.


The IMAGE 2.0 Model is a multi-disciplinary, integrated model designed to simulate the dynamics of the global society- biosphere- climate system. The objectives of the model are to investigate linkages and feedbacks in the system, and to evaluate consequences of climate policies. Dynamic calculations are performed to year 2100, with a spatial scale ranging from grid (0.5 x 0.5 degrees latitude-longitude) to world regional level, depending on the submodel. The model consists of three fully linked sub-systems:

The Energy-Industry Model computes the emissions of greenhouse gases in 13 world regions as a function of energy consumption and industrial production. End use energy consumption is computed from various economic/demographic driving forces.

The Terrestrial Environment Model simulates the changes in global land cover on a grid-scale based on climatic and economic factors, and the flux of CO2 and other greenhouse gases from the biosphere to the atmosphere.

The Atmosphere-Ocean Model computes the buildup of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and the resulting zonal-average temperature and precipitation patterns. The fully linked model has been tested against data from 1970 to 1990, and after calibration can reproduce the following observed trends:

The model can also simulate long term zonal average surface and vertical temperatures.

Four standard scenarios are included for selected aspects of the society- biosphere- climate system including primary energy consumption, emissions of various greenhouse gases, atmospheric concentrations of gases, temperature, precipitation, land cover and other indicators.

These scenarios, computed with IMAGE 2.0, are presented for selected aspects of the society-biosphere-climate system including primary energy consumption, emissions of various greenhouse gases, atmospheric concentrations of gases, temperature, precipitation, land cover and other indicators. Included are a "Conventional Wisdom" scenario, and three variations of this scenario :

o The Conventional Wisdom Scenario
is a reference case which is partly based on the input assumptions of the IPCC's IS92a scenario;
o The "Biofuel Crops" Scenario
assumes that most biofuels will be derived from new cropland;
o The "No Biofuels" Scenario
examines the sensitivity of the system to the use of biofuels; and
o The "Ocean Realignment" scenario
investigates the effect of a large-scale change in ocean circulation on the biosphere and climate.
Results of the biofuel scenarios illustrate the importance of examining the impact of biofuels on the full range of greenhouse gases, rather than only CO2. These scenarios also indicate possible side effects of the land requirements for energy crops. The Ocean Realignment Scenario shows that an unexpected, low probability event can both enhance the build-up of greenhouse gases, and at the same time cause a temporary cooling of surface air temperatures in the Northern Hemisphere. However , warming of the atmosphere is only delayed, not avoided.




Additional datasets and resources may be located through the CIESIN's Gateway.


"Image2.0 Integrated Modeling of Global Climate Change, 1994". 
    Edited by Joe Alcamo with papers by T he Image Group. 
       Kluwer Academic Publishers, ISBN 0-7923-2860-4.
Article :
Modeling the Global Society-Biosphere-Climate System: 
      Part I: Model Description and Testing.
Article :
Modeling the Global Society-Biosphere-Climate System: 
      Part II: Computed Scenarios


For RIVM contacts within the The Image Development Group consult the Who's Who page.



Integrated Modeling, Integrated Assessment, Greenhouse Gas Emmissions, Global Change, Climate Change, Land Cover Change, C Cycle, Carbon Cycle, Scenario Analysis, Biofuels.