Consortium for International Earth Science Information Network

Federal Facilities Public Health Assessment Data Catalog System Guidelines


The Consortium for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN), in partnership with the US Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) and the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR), has developed and implemented the Federal Facilities Public Health Assessment Data Catalog System. This System utilizes indexed metadata to provide access to data and information relevant to public health assessments at Federal Facilities. The Federal Facilities Public Health Assessment Data Catalog System is composed of two major components: Catalog Administration and Catalog Access. Catalog Administration contains a Metadata Administration module, an interactive data cataloging tool which facilitates the creation and management of metadata, and allows administrators to publish metadata on the World Wide Web. The Catalog Access module allows users to search for and retrieve metadata records relevant to specific Federal Facilities via the World Wide Web.

Purpose and Applicability of this Document

This document, The Federal Facilities Public Health Assessment Data Catalog System Guidelines, contains information necessary to create and administer a metadata collection relevant to the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry using the Federal Facilities Public Health Assessment Data Catalog System. It is actually a collection of documents with these key components:

Additional instructions and help are provided online in both the Catalog Administration and Catalog Access modules. Metadata administrators are asked to be familiar with and use these resources when creating and managing metadata for ATSDR.

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Metadata Homepage ATSDR Supplemental Guidelines

© 1997, 1998. CIESIN.
Revised: February 1998.
For more information contact CIESIN User Services:
E-mail:, Telephone: +1-517-797-2727.