Louis Harris Polls
Since 1965 IRSS has operated the Louis Harris Data Center, the exclusive national depository for all survey data collected by Louis Harris and Associates, Inc. Over 900 Harris Polls are archived at the Center, containing over 60,000 questions asked of over 900,000 respondents. The Harris studies are a valuable source of data about American society. Respondent groups range from national cross-section samples to such special populations as Vietnam veterans, Hispanics, teenagers, and the elderly.
The surveys also cover a diverse range of topics, such as aging, environmental issues, leisure and the arts, business, foreign affairs, presidential ratings, health care, attitudes toward government, and crime. Many questions have been repeated over time, allowing researchers to track changes in opinions and attitudes. Questions in this archive can be searched by words in the questions, year or Harris study number. The Center retains data from studies conducted as early as 1958.