Institute for Research in Social Science Public Opinion Questionaire
Dataset Abstract/Summary
The Institute for Research in Social Science at the University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill maintains a variety of national and statewide public
opinion poll data which is available through their Data Holdings Catalog.
Included is the exclusive national depository for all survey data collected
since 1965 by Louis Harris and Associates, Inc. The Harris Polls, together
with the 7 additional public opinion surveys that make up the collection, are
all organized into IRSS's Public Opinion Questionaire Database which allows
any researcher connected to the Internet to view questions and frequency
distributions of state and national polls, as well as to perform a
complete keyword search of the entire Index.
Archival Access Information
To access the Institute for Research in Social Science Public Opinion
Questionaire Database via the Internet, click here.
Data Sources
The IRSS Public Opinion Questionaire Database is composed of data from 8
separate sources. The Louis Harris Data
Center, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Polls/Southern Polls , the Carolina
Polls, the National Network of State Polls,
the General Social Survey, the Southern Focus Poll, the USA
Today Polls, and the Latin America and Spanish
Additional Datasets may be located through CIESIN's Gateway.
Obtaining Data Files
The Public Opinion Questionaire Database is an easy-to-use menu-driven
program which also provides access to the IRSS Data Holdings Catalog.
Users of the Questionaire Database can obtain copies of the information they
retrieve by sending their retrieval results to themselves as electronic mail.
Complete wording of all poll questions and marginals for each item are available
at no cost to all researchers through the IRSS Public Opinion
Questionaire Database. IRSS also distributes data files for the surveys
included in the Item Index and provid es analyses involving specific
variables at a nominal cost to researchers worldwide.
The charge for most data files is $100 for the first file and $50 for
each additional file ordered at the same time. Data can be provided on IBM SL
tapes, or diskettes. For most studies, a printout of the questionnaire and the
unweighted response frequencies is available for $25. Estimates for analyses of
data are based on programming and computer costs and will be provided
upon request.
Contacts and References
If you find data you might like to acquire, would like more
detailed instructions e-mailed to you or have problems or questions,
call or write David Sheaves (919-966-3348,,
or FAX at 919-962-IRSS).